Sport 4 Children Award

Objectives of the Award 

  • To enable, promote and encourage children to participate in sporting activities
  • To stimulate new sports initiatives for children


  • Improving their mental wellbeing and encouraging healthy behavioural change
  • Creating relationships and communities which embrace ethnic, cultural and physical differences
  • Engendering an enthusiastic attitude to engaging with social and educational opportunities
  • Highlighting the value of self-esteem and confidence gained through achievement
  • Helping disadvantaged children to live their childhoods free from violence
  • Encouraging children to develop as conscientious, responsible adults.

If you would like to discuss any aspect of the
Sport 4 Children 2024 Award please email us at


Organisations applying for the Sport 4 Children 2024 Award must:

  • Be a legal entity such as a governmental or non-governmental organisation, educational, cultural, or academic institution, foundation or social impact organisation
  • Applicants must be registered in one of the following countries: any member country of the European Union, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, USA or Canada.
  • Be committed to spending the grant money on projects or programmes related to children and sports
  • Have at least 3 years’ experience in running these kinds of projects
  • Have a track record of involvement with successful projects or programmes relating to improving the lives of children.

Judging process

The Boustany Foundation internal committee will select a shortlist of applications and choose the winner.

Only candidates who have submitted all the necessary documents described in the How to Apply section will be considered.

All information provided will be treated in the strictest confidence. The Boustany Foundation internal committee will be required to sign Non-Disclosure Agreements.

Judging criteria

Applications for the Award will be judged on several factors, but principally:

Professionalism of the organisation:

  • Commitment to the implementation of the project
  • Reputation
  • Track record of accomplishments
  • Management skills and the organisation’s capabilities
  • Inhouse and external resources
  • Honesty and sense of ethics.

The project’s focus on achieving Sport 4 Children’s objectives.

Impact on the community – the extent to which the project maximises impact on children’s mental and physical health.

Solutions to prevailing issues – does the project deliver genuine benefits for children?

The reach – how many children will benefit and how it can be measured.

Innovation – are new pathways proposed that extend subject matters; are there new initiatives that will excite children and achieve the Award’s goals?

Inclusion and social impact – the evidence of programmes or initiatives that have a social impact focus on inclusion and diversity.

How to Apply >