Sport 4 Children Award
A principal mission of the Boustany Foundation is to enable children to live happy, healthy, productive, meaningful, and rewarding lives.
To this end, the Foundation is excited to announce the launch of our Sport 4 Children Award.
At the Boustany Foundation we believe that implementing sport in group activities for young children can be a powerful way of engaging and inspiring them.
Sport delivers many potential benefits: from physical health to mental and psychological benefits such as teamworking, discipline, perseverance, confidence, stress reduction and positive mood enhancement.
Playing in a team helps children to develop many of the social skills they will need for life. It teaches them to cooperate, to be less selfish and to listen to other children.
An important part of playing in a team is accepting discipline. Playing sport means children are expected to follow rules and accept decisions.

If you would like to discuss any aspect of the
Sport 4 Children 2024 Award please email us at

Developed specifically for associations, NGOs, institutions, foundations, local authorities and those specialising in social impact, this new Award is open to organisations who are currently running or planning projects that use sport as the basis to improve the wellbeing and life opportunities of children.
The Sport 4 Children Award is offered once every three years and is available to eligible organisations of any size or profile. Projects submitted for the Award can involve any sport that encourages children to engage in physical activity. These can be implemented in any country in the world.
Applications for the Award may propose projects ranging from the organisation of sports activities and events that focus on the social and educational role of sport through to the provision of sport facilities and equipment.
The list of eligible activities is wide-ranging but the overriding considerations are that the sports-driven project focuses on achieving the Award’s objectives and that the organisation meets the expectations of the judging criteria.
The Boustany Foundation will be offering an award of 50.000 Euros to the winning project. The funds will be provided in two or three stages over the evolution of the project.
All Award applications must be submitted as detailed in the How to Apply page of this website and received by 22nd October 2024.
Judging of Award applications will be conducted by the Boustany Foundation. A shortlist of candidates will then be invited to online interviews at which the merits of their projects will be discussed and assessed.
The winner of the Sport 4 Children 2024 Award will be announced during November 2024 and presented at a short ceremony in Monaco.